Sunday, February 28, 2010


Here is a picture from yesterdays ride. The bike doesn't look like much right now. As you can see I have all the covers and side compartments off for ease of working on it. 
I checked the forum and found out several things. 

The bike doesn't have a flywheel to engage. There are a series of 3 sprockets that can get fouled up with old oil if the bike has sat very long. They can also get damaged but writers on the forum say to try and clean them up first. They recommend using Sea Foam or Marvel Mystery Oil in the crank case. Both of these are cleaning products that will de-gum the old think oil deposits. They are also said to work well with the fuel system on carbs and injectors. I'm going to try the Sea Foam first in both the oil and the fuel. 

I also found a great step by step way to adjust the clutch. I'll tackle that project on the first free day I get. (That may be a while)

The weather is still pretty cold but maybe I'll take the bike across town today just to keep the oil moving.

1 comment:

Brant said...

good to see it coming along my pipes should be here friday that seafoam is good stuff after you run that through the oil give it an oil change that will help with the hard shifting too make shure you use oil for a wet clutch like yamalube or you can have more where on the clutch