Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kiwi. Not just for shoes.

This could be Kiwi's new catch phrase. They are really missing out on a chunk of the market by not advertising to the Goldwing population.

I had just a little time this evening to play with the bike and have been thinking about cleaning up the tank cover for some time now. So tonight I did just that. I pulled the cover off the other day and thought that it would look really good if it were clean. The leather is in good condition. If it weren't I would peel it off and have it painted instead.

While talking to my dad about how to condition the leather, we discussed using mink oil or Dubbin, and then Dad suggested using black Kiwi. Now I learned a thing or two about Kiwi while at Basic Training for the Army. I got in 10 years before the suede boots so I spent a lot of late nights sitting in the stairwell spit shining boots.

I pulled out my now quite complete shoe shining kit and when to work on the cover. 30 minutes later, this is the result:

I think that the leather look will be nice on the bike. It will preserve some of the original Goldwing as well as add a touch of character that not many bikes have now. Every biker wants to have something that makes him different from the rest. Anyone can go buy a factory bike and look like every other poser. A real biker wants to stand out and express himself with his bike. He doesn't even care if anyone else likes the way it looks. And why should he? It's his bike. Not theirs. That is what really makes them cool.

With that being said, here's my ride.


Brant said...

thought this was a cool trick but haven't tryed yet.

Helmet Visor, Goggle, Windshield and Glasses Anti Fog

Baby Shampoo or Dawn dishwashing detergent.

Spray or pour a 50/50 mix of the soap and water on plastic or glass and let it dry naturally to prevent fogging.

Carry a 50/50 mix of baby shampoo and water in a small spray bottle on the bike. If temperatures are changing so rapidly that your riding buddies are complaining about face or windshield fogging just spray a little of the mixture on the fogging side of the plastic.

Of course you could also use the scuba divers remedy, spit on the inside of your shield but you might find yourself with fewer riding buddies afterward.

Ryan said...

That is a cool idea. I haven't had any problems fogging up with my helmet but I have the anti-fog visor in it. You'll have to try it out and tell me how it goes.

Brant said...

this it the link tells you about the coin challenge


and a good motorcycle blog


thought you would enjoy them

Rachel said...

You posted the challenge coin link twice. I've checked it out and it is cool. can't believe I never new that.

I would like to see the motorcycle blog too.

Brant said...

my bad here it is


Ryan said...

Cool site. I surfed around a bit in it and there are some cool ideas. I never thought about some of the mounting brackets that they made.