Product Overview : Sportbikes - Dyna S Ignition System
Dyna S Ignition System is a complete self-contained electronic ignition system built with the latest state-of-the-art engineering. This is the same ignition used by top racers over the past 2 decades.
The Dyna S is completely housed behind the ignition cover and uses a magnetic rotor with the original spark advancer, so the factory advance curve is maintained.
The venerable Dyna S ignition System is a time proven solution to the basic ignition needs of the vintage muscle bike. As a stand alone ignition the Dyna S is the standard of performance and reliability.
The precision instruments of speed and blah blah blah. My hope is that between the new ignition, synchronized carbs, K&N filters and Jardine Rumblers, that this old wing runs like a champ.
You better pour some Sea Foam through your carbs Ty because I'm coming after your Suzuki first. And if the Monster ever makes it up to Utah it better be ready for the track. I aint scared.