In the process of pumping the brake lines back up I started to think that this synthetic brake fluid wasn't going to work. I think it may be too thin for the cylinder. At long last, and with help from my brother, the line did pressurize. Mostly. We both took it out for a ride and it stops the bike still but feels soft. Maybe that is just an attribute of synthetic. My hope is that it will work its way in with a little riding and I wont have anymore troubles. Ya right.
In the course of doing this I decided to change the grips and adjust the position of the clutch. The grips came off will a little effort and I used a little hairspray on the bar ends to slide the new grips on. I reconnected the throttle lock then decided to adjust the position of the clutch handle. I loosened right up, I tipped it down were I wanted it and then started to tighten it back up when it stripped loose. I pulled the bolt out and could see that it had only bit about 3 threads. I borrow Dad's tap and chase the treads then off to get a longer bolt. 43 cents later and I'm back in business.
On a happier note. I finally opened and used my motorcycle lift. It works like a champ. It easily lifted the bike and was really quite stable considering the ground that I was using it on. In the picture it is only lifted to the first safety latch. There is probably 5-6 inches more travel in the jack. That was 40 bucks well spent.