My first pleasant surprise of the morning was that it was actually fairly nice outside. I decided that I would just go out to the garage and look the bike over and try to get some ideas. As I got looking I realized that the trunk would come off really easy. So, I took it off. I liked the look of the bike with all the plastic off the rear end.
I next wondered what it would look like without the fairing. When I looked closer I found my second and most happy surprise of the day. Underneath the fairing was a headlight housing. I was worried about how I would find a replacement housing and taking the forks apart and running wire and.... surprise! There is already everything you need right here. Glorious.
Four bolts, eight hose clamps and a few snipped wires later, the fairing is off and I get my first look at a naked Goldwing. I must admit. I like it.
I think that I can keep the rear fender and handle bars. I will replace the giant tail light with something that fits the curve of the bike better and get new exhaust pipes and a thinner seat. I'll have to find some good looking turn signals for both the front and back and I think it might look good with the three headlight cluster, although they are expensive.
I'll take off the panels and the air dam for the radiator and have them painted. Now, what color and design?